How to Make a Bouquet in a Voting Box?
Poetic Societies/Ava Ansari
Trade School: PHL+Detroit
June 21, by appointmentat Modest Transitions
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Guests will be received one by one, and work with Ansari to draft a personal body contract for themselves around the act of voting. Working from a space of delicacy, using flowers and the body, and rooted in multiple body-mind modalities, including Iyengar yoga, viewpoints, Suzuki, and Persian poetry, trance, and dance. Appointments will last up to 45 minutes, enough time to ground the body, do breathing practice, and create enough foundation to do the expressive writing. The act of voting is deeply personal and touch-based, and therefore rooted in poetic legalities and personal and collective body contracts.
AVA ANSARI is a transmedia poet, transcultural curator, and yogi. Their practice lives at the intersections of choreographic, linguistic, musical, and spatial composition; heterotopic healing and radical cyber celebration; and translingual embodiment and bodies' free navigation.
Established in 2017, POETIC SOCIETIES is a Transmedia Poetry and Healing Technologies 501(c)(3) Network located in Waawiiyatanong/Detroit dedicated to body-conscious modes of expression and governance. Since its founding, POETIC SOCIETIES has supported Queer, Nonbinary, Transgender, Nonconforming gender, Black, Indigenous, and Non-English poets, artists, musicians, healers, and organizers with intergenerational experiences of forced physical, environmental, and sexual movement, cultural reappropriation, and gaslighting to revitalize and circulate their ancestral healing modalities through linguistic and ritualistic modes of poetic process. Our collaborative projects, workshops, and public programs encapsulate temporal and spatial zones that remove pain from the sensual, institutional, and digital bodies and cultivate celebratory memories of healing self, land, and senses of belonging on local and global scales.

Photo: Ava Ansari